Friday, July 29, 2016

Liquid Glucose Dealer in Delhi

Liquid Glucose

Liquid Glucose – Liquid glucose is clear,colourless,Vicous, solution,making it compatible with the physical properties desired in the end products. In baking, glucose syrup helps to retain moisture, produces an attractive crust colour in bread and is important in colouring of dark fruit cakes. Glucose syrup is also an important ingredient for energy drinks and has many other uses in food and pharmaceutical industries. The purpose of using glucose in making Jams and Jellies is to prevent their cane sugar ingredient from crystallizing. In addition to this, glucose syrup prevents spoilage of the product without unduly increasing its sweetness. In confectionery, hard candies are made entirely out of Glucose syrup, without additing cane sugar. In Ice Cream, Glucose syrup not only prevents sucrose crystallization but also imparts a smoother texture. Commercial Bakeries do use liquid glucose for pies, cream fillings, eclairs & candies.

For further details, please contact us:

Phone: +91-11-29831324 / 23941388
Mobile: +91-9810160020 / 9810161442


or fill a No Obligation Enquiry Form